How to Host a Successful Board Meeting

Published by admin on

The style of the meeting is equally important as the content of the meeting when it comes to the success of a board meeting. Board members are involved in the overall success of your organization and are likely to listen attentively when they are engaged during the discussion. The setting in which your board meets plays a significant role in this, so consider the following suggestions for energizing and facilitating a productive meeting:

Create a detailed agenda and distribute it to all attendees. Include specific minute limits for each discussion item in order to keep the discussion moving and to avoid getting lost. Limiting discussions to 30 minutes each will keep the board from becoming bogged down with non-important topics.

Create the meeting as easy for your board as is possible. If you’re conducting a virtual meeting, request that they turn off notifications and close any other programs that might affect their bandwidth. This will ensure that the meeting goes smoothly and that everyone is able to hear and see one another clearly.

Serve refreshments, if needed. This is particularly important for a meeting that takes place in the evening after a long day’s work. It can help your team remain focused and motivated.

Start the meeting with a brief success story that reminds your board of the company’s mission and current initiatives. It can also inspire them to keep working to achieve the organization’s objectives. Don’t forget to make sure you have an quorum of all attendees before opening the meeting. This is an important step that can have a significant impact on the quality of the results of the meeting. It’s usually done via the use of a “roll call” in which each participant raises their hand when their name is announced.

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