Does Windows 11 Need Antivirus?

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It is crucial to have an antivirus program that can protect your computer against malware, which includes viruses, spyware, ransomware and the phishing. Windows 11 is Microsoft’s most secure operating systems to date. However there are many people who wonder if they need an antivirus program. In this article, we’ll try to answer the question: does Windows 11 need antivirus and dispel some myths about the security of Windows 11.

Does Windows 11 come with Antivirus?

Windows Defender is the built-in antivirus software that comes with Microsoft’s most recent version of its popular operating system. It has real-time scanning as well as anti-spyware and anti-ransomware security. However, it is recommended to install a third-party antivirus program for additional protection.

Windows 11 comes with a firewall as well as privacy-protecting features. It blocks ports that are not used on the network and denies or grants access to specific applications based on your preferences. In addition, it could also prevent spyware from accessing your computer and stealing your personal data.

There are plenty of options available if you’re looking for an antivirus program that is low-cost. Avast AVG and Avira are among the most popular free antivirus programs. In addition to these antivirus programs, there are also paid antivirus programs that offer more advanced features and security. If you’re unsure of which antivirus program you should choose, you should consult a cybersecurity specialist to determine which one is the best for your needs.

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